Welcome to Joy of Family Mealtime

Many families are so busy these days with multiple activities, that it is actually rare to sit down together for a meal. Some families insist that everyone is together at dinner time, yet children wait impatiently to “be excused” from the table. Have you ever wished it was easier to bring the family together for pleasant conversation, shared meal preparations, and sometimes even a sit-down meal with everyone present? Welcome to Joy of Family Mealtime, where I will be sharing my own family’s experiences; we CREATE new ideas, MODEL preparation activities, and ENCOURAGE each other to share special moments together—even if it’s just the morning rush when no one sits down to eat! Come back often, to visit and check out what we have been up to. Whether it is a fun serving twist on an everyday recipe, comfort foods we never tire of, time saving tips to make tomorrow’s dinner a breeze, or table decorating tips even the youngest members of the family can help out with, I can promise that there is never a dull moment when we focus on the joy of being together.


  1. Ooo, I can't wait to read more blogging tips. What a great idea for you to do as you do meals and family time so well! ~anona~


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