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You Are What You Eat—Start Your Day With A Smile

I like to remember that putting joy in family mealtimes is as easy as 1, 2, 3—create, model, and encourage. My twist on a favourite pancake recipe will show you what I mean J 1.      Create: Happy Pancakes Do you ever have trouble getting the entire family together for breakfast on weekday mornings? I know I do! Most early mornings I find myself wandering from bedroom to bedroom, eyes half open, turning off kids’ alarm clocks—it must be a mother’s intuition to awaken at every sound, and a child’s intuition to sleep like a log. One sure way to revive the whole crew is to waft freshly baked aromas through the house—and freshly flipped Happy Pancakes are one of the best aroma-therapy alarm clocks I have discovered! You might be thinking, “Are you kidding me? I’ll never get everyone sitting around the breakfast table eating together in the morning!” No worries—if any family members need to zoom through the kitchen as they fly out the door to early morning s...

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